Greenhorn Herding/Tending Classes for Beginners

Greenhorn Herding/Tending Classes for Beginners


with Carolyn Wilki

FMI: TELEPHONE — (610) 674-0160

Greenhorn Herding/Tending Classes for Beginners

This is a beginner’s clinic package for herding (small flock/fetching/driving) and tending (large flock grazing and management). Sheep can be herded in many locations, including small pens, standard trial arenas, and a 40 acre field. Positive reinforcement training is emphasized in the work with the dog.

  • Herding instinct explained, beginning herding training theory, and glossary of herding terms
  • Positive reinforcement training techniques as applied to herding
  • Operant and associative learning as applied to herding
  • Explanation, role playing, and practice without dogs (!) of basic sheep/dog/shepherd dynamics
  • Herding tasks, herding breeds, herding temperaments-- how they differ & how to start developing them
  • Introduction to AKC, NEBCA, ASCA, AHBA, ATBA herding programs
  • Video examples of different herding styles and situations (“real-in-the-field,” as well as trialing and training)
  • Beginning training exercises practiced and suggested
  • Basic relationship of each dog/handler team assessed and at-home training suggestions made.

Greenhorn Herding/Tending Classes for Beginners
Clinic Dates 2025 (recent)
Session II. 3/2 1pm-4pm, 3/16 1pm-4pm, 3/30 1pm-4pm, 4/13 1pm-4pm. Weekly, 3 hours per class over 4 weeks.

Session III. 4/27 1pm-4pm, 5/4 1pm-4pm, 6/1 1pm-4pm, 6/8 1pm-4pm. Weekly, 3 hours per class over 4 weeks.

Session IV. 6/15 1pm-4pm, 6/22 1pm-4pm, 7/6 1pm-4pm, 7/20 1pm-4pm. Weekly, 3 hours per class over 4 weeks.

Session V. 7/27 1pm-4pm, 8/3 1pm-4pm, 8/10 1pm-4pm, 8/17 1pm-4pm. Weekly, 3 hours per class over 4 weeks.

Session VI. 8/24 1pm-4pm, 9/7 1pm-4pm, 9/14 1pm-4pm, 9/21 1pm-4pm. Weekly, 3 hours per class over 4 weeks.

Session VII. 9/28 1pm-4pm, 10/5 1pm-4pm, 10/12 1pm-4pm, 10/26 1pm-4pm. Weekly, 3 hours per class over 4 weeks.

Session VIII. 11/9 1pm-4pm, 11/23 1pm-4pm, 12/7 1pm-4pm, 12/14 1pm-4pm. Weekly, 3 hours per class over 4 weeks.

A la carte registration available within each session.